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Help With Casting Your Own Spells, Esoteric Theory and Practice.

The practice of spells is a popular issue in the esoteric world. To do well while casting spells requires knowing some previous principles. The theory and practice involved is explained here. In this article I explain what are the principles behind casting spells and how I can help you to do well with them.

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In general, this involves actions intended to cause a change over another person, ourselves, a situation or a thing. Casting spells usually helps with the desired change. It can avoid that our future stays under a denial of what we want (see our site on fate, destiny and fate carried from past lives).

When their action is done, somehow the objects and rituals used help the subconscious to carry the channeling into reality. More on this topic, visit this site: rituals used for casting spells, rituals .

The most known spells are the love, money, job, health, business, friendship, and using other ones also help to change denial aspects on our social space. Their casting is done through symbolic acts in an altered state of consciousness. In that way we can expect to make the wanted changes. To practice an spell requires our altered state of consciousness to allow us to project energy through a symbol. Notice that the projected energy means a thought intensively kept in our mind. The projection into reality at this stage is purely imaginary. After repetitions of the same altered state of consciousness that idea touches deep in the subconscious mind. From there starts the channeling of your idea into reality. Your subconscious mind will mastermind that channeling. In the case of love spells, by example, that means in between other things, that all your your actions, including your verbal and body language communication, help obtained from other people, will all be channeled towards the realization of your idea. Of course there will not be a 100 percent security that the end result will be exactly as your wish is. Most probably you will notice how you progress with your channeling, thus making you more confident. Other possibility is that if you do not see any clues about your progress, it will somehow become clear in your mind why your goal is not being achieved or cannot be achieved.

For casting note that the key issue here is the energy projection, not the symbol used. The energy can be projected with the use of any appropriate symbol, which does not have to be any particular one. The mind is the one who works the magic through its altered state of consciousness. The symbol is a representation of the idea the mind projects, not the projection itself.


Casting Spells, The Theory Behind

Casting requires the coordination of the relaxation, visualization, concentration and projection skills. This required use of those skills make its practice to cause important effects on a person's inner growth.

The casting can reveal personal aspects related to the spell.

By example, money spells may become very difficult to concentrate on them. The reason for the lack of concentration may be due to a fear or a conflict related to succeeding with money.

While this projection into reality is done, our conflicts, fears and blocks have a chance to surface as an impediment to do the casting or in other forms related to the implied emotions brought by the symbolic communication that touches the unconscious in a way it understand well and make it more reactive. The discovery of our fears and inner blocks allows us to get rid of them and pave the way to our success. This explain the power of working with this magic to understand our behavior and feelings and change them, and thus, change our lives. This is the power of casting spells.

A very simple case is the start of a task which is initiated by an action by our part. What moves in our mind are energies towards completing the task. This usually stops our procrastination by changing our own passive mental state towards an active one. Then, our energies do mobilize towards completing the task, thus channeling our particular goal into reality through our actions and mental process that follow the first step to start the task.

Also, another simple example we can mention belongs to actions done by groups of people. An initial action by one of the members can trigger the start of a group action in a certain direction. The use of verbal actions, like slogans, apply here as simple cases of casting.

To know more about individually tailored rituals, use of objects most appropriated to your personal case, special visualizations and the channeling into your own reality according to the tarot cards, astrology and past lives, just reply below:

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Psychic Erika, Casting Spells
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